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where to get items...
Item Function Location Price
potion recovers up to 20 Hp Pokemart £200
super potion recovers up to 50 Hp Pokemart £700
hyper potion recovers up to 200Hp Pokemart £1,000
Max potion completely recovers Pokemon Hp Pokemart £2,500
full restore full recovers Pokemon hp and health Pokemart £3,000
revive revives fainted Pokemon and gives them half Hp back Pokemart £5,000
Max revive revives fainted Pokemon and gives them all Hp back Pokemart £8,500
antidote cures poison status Pokemart £100
awakening cures sleeping status Pokemart £500
burn heal heals Pokemon that have been burned Pokemart £250
ice heal heals Pokemon that have been frozen Pokemart £250
paralyze heal heals Pokemon that have be paralyzed Pokemart £250
full heal completely cures all status problems e.g. frozen etc. Pokemart £500
hp up increases Pokemon’s Hp Pokemart £10,000
calcium increases Pokemon’s attack points Pokemart £10,000
carobs increases Pokemon’s speed points Pokemart £10,000
iron increases Pokemon’s defense points Pokemart £10,000
protein increases Pokemon’s attack points Pokemart £10,000
rare candy makes Pokemon go up by 1 level not found yet
dire hit makes Pokemon do critical hits more often not found yet
guard spec prevents opponents Pokemon from attacking 1 turn only not found yet
x accuracy increases move accuracy can only be used once Pokemart £250
x attack increases Pokemon’s attack can only be used once Pokemart £250
x defend increases Pokemon’s defense Pokemart £500
x speed increases Pokemon’s speed can only be used once Pokemart £500
x special increases Pokemon’s special attack can only be used once Pokemart £500
elixer restores 10pp on all Pokemon’s skills not found yet
ether restores 10pp on 1 of Pokemon’s skills off my site
Max elixer restores all PP on all of your Pokemon’s skills not found yet
Max ether restores all PP on one of your Pokemon’s skills off my site
PP up increases PP not found yet
fresh water heals up to 50 Hp Celdon department store
soda pop heals up to 60 Hp Celdon department store
lemonade heals up to 80 Hp Celdon department store
poke ball catch wild Pokemon with this item Pokemart £200
great ball got more chance of catching Pokemon than a poke ball Pokemart £600
ultra ball got more chance of catching Pokemon than great ball
safari ball use this ball in the safari zone only (can only catch safari Pokemon) safari zone £700
master ball can catch all Pokemon first time from me when I give you 1
dome fossil make fossil back in to a Pokemon ( Phanpy ) find in Mt.Moon
helix fossil make fossil back in to a Pokemon ( Mantine ) find in Mt.Moon
old amber make amber back in to a Pokemon ( Corsola ) find in Mt.Moon
fire stone evolves certain Pokemon Pokemart £2,000
leaf stone evolves certain Pokemon Pokemart £2,000
moon stone evolves certain Pokemon Pokemart £2,000
thunder stone evolves certain Pokemon Pokemart £2,000
water stone evolves certain Pokemon Pokemart £2,000
light stone evolves certain Pokemon Pokemart £4,000
dark stone evolves certain Pokemon Pokemart £4,000
sun stone evolves certain Pokemon Pokemart £3,000
RU stone evolves pichu in to PichuRU Pokemart £1,000
exp. All shares exp. With all your Pokemon get off me
nugget sell to Pokemon for £5,000 find anywhere
Pokemaster’s parcel give this to Pokemaster to get a pokemon Brock’s gym
poke flute wakes up Pokemon when put to sleep from Pokemaster
old rod allows you on certain maps find
good rod allows you on certain maps find
super rod allows you on certain maps find
secret key allows you to go in to last 2 gyms find in Koga’s gym
black aproicorn = heavy ball (give to Kurt to get the ball back) find on Pokemon
blue aproicorn = lure ball (give to Kurt to get the ball back) find on Pokemon
green aproicorn = friend ball (give to Kurt to get the ball back) find on Pokemon
pink aproicorn = love ball (give to Kurt to get the ball back) find on Pokemon
red aproicorn = level ball (give to Kurt to get the ball back) find on Pokemon
white aproicorn = fast ball (give to Kurt to get the ball back) find on Pokemon
yellow aproicorn = moon ball (give to Kurt to get the ball back) find on Pokemon
berry restores up to 10 Hp during battle from tree
berry juice restores up to 20 Hp during battle from tree
bitter berry allows confusion to be cured from tree
burnt berry allows frozen Pokemon to be cured from tree
gold berry restores up to 30 Hp in battle from tree
golden berry use this on a Pokemon to make it golden Pokemart £3,000
shiny berry use this on a pokemon to make it shiny Pokemart £3,000
ice berry cures Pokemon of being burnt from tree
mint berry cures Pokemon of being asleep from tree
miracleberry like full heel from tree
mysteryberry like elixer from tree
black belt strengthens Pokemon’s fighting moves promo item
black glasses strengthens Pokemon’s dark moves promo item
charcoal strengthens Pokemon’s fighting moves promo item
dragon fang strengthens Pokemon’s dragon moves promo item
everstone makes Pokemon not allowed to evolve promo item
focus band prevents Pokemon from fainting promo item
hard stone strengthens Pokemon’s rock moves promo item
kings rock evolves certain Pokemon not available yet
lucky egg lets chansey breed and get a different Pokemon promo item
lucky punch lets chanseys attack do more damage promo item
magnet strengthens Pokemon’s electric moves promo item
metal coat evolves certain Pokemon off Pokemon
miracle seed strengthens Pokemon’s grass moves promo item
mystery water strengthens Pokemon’s water moves promo item
nevermeltice strengthens Pokemon’s ice moves promo item
pink bow strengthens Pokemon’s normal moves promo item
poison sting strengthens Pokemon’s poison moves promo item
pokedot bow strengthens Pokemon’s normal moves promo item
sharp beak strengthens Pokemon’s flying moves promo item
silverpowder strengthens Pokemon’s bug moves promo item
smoke ball a unown ball to catch unowns only Pokemart £600 for 10
soft sand strengthens Pokemon’s ground moves promo item
spell tag strengthens Pokemon’s ghost moves promo item
twisted spoon strengthens Pokemon’s psychic moves promo item
up-grade makes porygon evolve to porygon 2 up-grade map
big mushroom sell in Pokemart for £1,000 off Pokemon
big pearl sell in Pokemart for £1,000 off Pokemon
brick piece sell in Pokemart for £200 off pokemon
gold leaf sell in Pokemart for £10,000 off Pokemon
moo moo milk recovers up to 200Hp off Pokemon / person gives it to you
nugget sell in Pokemart for £5,000 off Pokemon / person gives u
pearl sell in Pokemart for £500 off Pokemon
ragecandybar recovers up to 20Hp person gives it to you
silver leaf sell in Pokemart for £5,000 off Pokemon
slowpoke tail use to find slowking not available yet
star piece sell in Pokemart for £3,000 off Pokemon
star dust sell in Pokemart for £2,000 off Pokemon
tiny mushroom sell in Pokemart for £500 off Pokemon
fast ball catch Pokemon in from Kurt or Pokemart £200
friend ball catch Pokemon in from Kurt or Pokemart £200
heavy ball catch Pokemon in from Kurt or Pokemart £200
level ball catch Pokemon in from Kurt or Pokemart £200
love ball catch Pokemon in from Kurt or Pokemart £200
lure ball catch Pokemon in from Kurt or Pokemart £200
bug ball catch Pokemon in from Kurt or Pokemart £200
moon ball catch Pokemon in from Kurt or Pokemart £200
breeding ball catch Pokemon in for breeding map only celdon department store
GS ball catch a Celibi / Mew with celdon department store
fire ball catch Moltres with celdon department store
ice ball catch Articuno with celdon department store
electric ball catch Zapdos with celdon department store
dragon scale evolves certain Pokemon find
exp.share share exp. With the rest of the Pokemon in your party Pokemart free sample
rainbow wing allows you to go in to the battle tower where you get ho-oh find
silver wing allows you to go in to the battle tower where you get lugia find
non-shiny berry makes Pokemon non - shiny Pokemart £100
non-golden berry makes Pokemon non - golden Pokemart £100
metal of spite makes Pokemon ( ____of spite) Pokemart £1
non-metal of spite makes Pokemon like metapod of spite
( just metapod ) appears in the Pokemart when you have a Pokemon of spite

where to find pokemon
How to get pokemon…?

Welcome to Kanto pokemon!!!!!!!!
Bulbasaur = map 1
Ivysaur = evolve at level 53
Venasaur = evolve at level 106
Charmander = map 4
Charmeleon = map 4, evolve at level 30
Charizard = evolve at level 60
Squirtle = map 3, 6
Wartortle = evolve at level 25
Blastiose = evolve at level 50
Caterpie = map 1, 2, forest
Metapod = forest, evolves at level 17
Butterfree = map 1 & evolve 34
Weedle = map 1, map 2
Kakuna = forest, evolve at level 45
Beedrill = evolve at level 90, map 1
Pidgey = Promo
Pidgeotto = evolves at level 22
Pidgeot = evolves at level 44
Rattata = not available yet
Raticate = not available yet
Spearow = map 2, forest
Fearow = evolve at 25
Ekans = breed arbok with a ditto
Arbok = evolution map, evolves at level 28
Pikachu = map 5
Raichu = map 5, evolve using a thunder stone
Sandshrew = not available yet
Sandslash = not available yet
NidoranF = safari zone
Nidorina = evolve at level 28 & evolution map
Nidoqueen = evolve using a moon stone
NidoranM = safari zone
Nidorino = evolve at level 28 & evolution map
Nidoking = evolve using a moon stone
Clefairy = not available yet
Clefable = not available yet
Vulpix = map 4
Ninetales = evolve using a fire stone
Jigglypuff = Promo (or evolves from Igglybuff)
Wigglytuff = evolves using a moon stone
Zubat = promo
Golbat = evolve at level 29
Oddish = bug catching comp.
Gloom = evolve at level 27 & evolution map
Vileplume = evolve using a leaf stone
Paras = bug catching comp.
Parasect = bug catching comp.
Venonat = not available yet
Venomoth = not available yet
Diglett = not available yet
Dugtrio = not available yet
Meowth = not available yet
Persian = not available yet
Psyduck = not available yet
Golduck = not available yet
Mankey = safari zone
Primeape = evolves at level 27
Growlithe = map 4
Arcanine = evolve using a fire stone
Poliwag = not available yet
Poliwhirl = not available yet
Poliwrath = not available yet
Abra = Promo
Kadabra = evolves at level 30
Alakazam = battle evolution gym with Kadabra holding a psychic stone
Machop = promo
Machoke = evolve at level 27 & evolution map
Machamp = evolve using magic arms item
Bellsprout = Promo
Weepinbell = evolves at level 25
Victreebel = evolves using a leaf stone
Tentacool = not available yet
Tentacruel = not available yet
Geodude = Promo
Gravler = evolves at level 26
Golem = battle evolution gym with Gravler holding a rock stone
Ponyta = Promo
Rapidash = evolves at level 30
Slowpoke = not available yet
Slowbro = not available yet
Magnemite = not available yet
Magneton = not available yet
Farfetch’d = not available yet
Doduo = safari zone
Dodrio = evolves at level 52
Seel = map 3
Dewgong = evolves at level 51
Grimer = not available yet
Muk = not available yet
Shellder = map 10
Cloyster = evolves using a water stone
Gastly = not available yet
Haunter = not available yet
Gengar = not available yet
Onix = breed a steelix with a ditto to get
Drowzee = not available yet
Hypno = not available yet
Krabby = not available yet
Kingler = not available yet
Voltorb = map 5
Electrode = evolves at level 20
Exeeggcute = safari zone
Exeggutor = evolves using leaf stone
Cubone = safari zone
Marowak = safari zone, evolves at level 29
Hitmonlee = evolution map, swarming map 3
Hitmonchan = swarming map 4
Lickitung = battle hotel room 1, safari zone
Koffing = not available yet
Weezing = not available yet
Rhyhorn = not available yet
Rhydon = not available yet
Chansey = battle hotel room 2, map 6, safari zone
Tangela = Promo
Kangaskhan = Promo
Horsea = not available yet
Seadra = not available yet
Goldeen = map 3, 6
Seaking = map 10, evolves at level 25
Staryu = map 3, 6
Starmie = map 6, evolves using a water stone
Mr.Mime = travel area 1
Scyther = map 10 & bug catching comp.
Jynx = map 6
Electrabuzz = evolve elekid using evolution gym
Magmar = evolve magby using evolution gym
Pinsir = bug catching comp.
Tauros = Promo
Magikarp = map 6
Gyarados = evolves at level 25
Lapras = Trade a pokemon for…
Ditto = promo (or breeding center)
Eevee = map 2, 3, 4, 5 & promo
Vaporeon = evolve using a water stone
Jolteon = evolve using a thunder stone
Flareon = evolve using a fire stone
Porygon = Promo
Omanyte = swarming map 1
Omaster = evolves at level 30
Kabuto = swarming map 7
Kabutops = evolves at level 30
Aerodactyl = swarming map 8
Snorlax = map 6, 10,
Articuno = after battle elite 4 (once)
Zapdos = after battle elite 4 (twice) map 5
Moltres = after battle elite 4 (three times)
Dratini = (past promo) (ask Pokemaster to give you one)
Dragonair = evolves at level 18
Dragonite = evolves at level 18
Mewtwo = battle towers
Mew = battle towers

Welcome to Johto pokemon

Chikorita = safari zone
Bayleef = evolves at level 25
Meganium = evolves at level 50
Cyndaquil = bug catching comp.
Quilava = evolves at level 30
Typhlosion = evolves at level 60
Totodile = swarming map 6
Croconaw = evolves at level 25
Feraligatr = evolves at level 50
Sentret = map 7
Furret = evolves at level 22
HootHoot = promo, safari zone
Noctowl = evolves at level 26
Ledyba = map 7
Ledian = evolves at level 22
Spinarak = map 7
Ariados = evolves at level 22
Crobat = not available yet
Chinchou = map 7
Lanturn = evolves at level 45
Pichu = map 5
Cleffa = get from m egg Saturday
Igglybuff = get from m egg Saturday
Togepi = promo
Togetic = battle evolution gym with togepi
Natu = travel area 1
Xatu = evolves at level 65
Mareep = map 7, map 5
Flaaffy = evolves at level 20
Ampharos = evolves at level 40
Bellossom = not available yet
Marill = map 7
Azumarill = evolves at level 25
Sudowoodo = travel area 1
Politoed = not available yet
Hoppip = map 7
Skiploom = evolves at level 55
Jumpluff = evolves at level 110
Aipom = forest
Sunkern = Promo
Sunflora = evolves using a sun stone
Yanma = not available yet
Wooper = not available yet
Quagsire = not available yet
Espeon = battle eevee in evolution gym with a light stone attached
Umbreon = battle eevee in evolution gym with a dark stone attached
Murkrow = swarming map 9
Slowking = not available yet
Misdreavus = swarming map 10
Unown = ruins of alpha
Wobbuffet = map 7
Girafarig = not available yet
Pineco = forest
Forretress = evolves at level 17
Dunsparce = map 7
Gligar = travel area 2
Steelix = evolution map
Snubbull = map 7
Granbull = evolves at level 22
Qwilfish = not available yet
Scizor = map 10, battle in evolution gym with a Scyther holding a metal coat
Shuckle = Promo
Heracross = forest
Sneasel = Promo
Teddiursa = Promo
Ursaring = evolves using evolution gym
Slugma = map 10
Magcargo = evolves at level 30
Swinub = not available yet
Piloswine = not available yet
Corsola = old amber
Remoraid = promo
Octillery = evolves at level 25
Delibird = travel area 1
Mantine = helix fossil
Skarmory = travel area 1
Houndour = map 4, travel area 1
Houndoom = evolves at level 57
Kingdra = not available yet
Phanpy = dome fossil
Donphan = evolves at level 29
Porygon2 = go to upgrade map and find upgrade
Stantler = travel area 2
Smeargle = travel area 2
Tyrogue = swarming map 2
Hitmontop = travel area 2, swarming map 5
Smoochum = get from m egg Saturday
Elekid = map 5
Magby = get from m egg Saturday
Miltank = travel area 2
Blissey = battle in evolution gym with a chansey
Raikou = battle towers
Entei = battle towers
Suicune = battle towers
Larvitar = past promo (ask Pokemaster to trade with you)
Pupitar = evolves at level 63
Tyranitar = evolve at level 126
Lugia = battle towers
Ho-Oh = battle towers
Celibi = battle towers

PichuRU = map 2, evolution map
Shiny Poliwag = map 6
Shiny Butterfree = map 9
Shiny Totodile = map 9
Shiny Bulbasaur = map 9
Shiny Charmander = map 9
Shiny Squirtle = map 9
Shiny Chikorita = map 9
Shiny Mareep / Flaaffy / Ampharos = promo = evolved!!
Shiny Wooper / Quagsire = promo
Shiny Wobbuffet = promo
Golden butterfree = map 8
Golden beedrill = map 8
Golden pikachu = map 8
Golden horsea = map 8
Golden marill = map 8
Shiny machop = promo
Shiny Horsea = promo